Friday, February 22, 2008

Dave's Reflection on Philippians 3:12-21

Using the questions on page 724 as a guide I believe Paul is helping us distinguish good from bad and truth from error. He states that all of us who are mature should forget what is behind and strive toward what is ahead. The goal being eternity in Heaven.

The goal the text is asking me to pursue is to stand firm in the Lord and not let our minds dwell on earthly things. Our citizenship is in heaven.

Based on the reading, I think God is telling us that living our lives for Him is the only way to eternal life with Him. The only other altenative is to live in and for this world which will only lead to destruction and shame.

I think what God would want me to do is spend time reading and praying over His Word. This would help me to mature and ultimately lead me to focus more on Him and His goals for my life.

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