Sunday, February 24, 2008

Venetia - Where is my Citizenship? (Phil. 3:12-21)

After reading Philippians 3: 12 -21, I would rename the passage to "Where is My Citizenship?"...... this passage served as a reminder and warning to the church in Philippi as to where is their ultimate "citizenship" - in heaven or on earth (v. 18-19) ? He reminds them to stay focus on their heavenly citizenship while acknowledging that he himself is still in the process.

In the Amplified Bible, the translation inserted "and make it my own" in regards to following the Lord. What spoke to me was to focus on making and following the Lord's teaching in making it really "my own". Paul also encouraged the Philippians to trust Him in making the "uncleared" cleared (v. 15).

This passage was a good reminder that our citizenship is with God in heaven and to have that position in front of us until the return of Jesus Christ.

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